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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Coupons for Reynold's foil, & parchment paper


Monday, June 27, 2011

FREE budgeting software & tips

1.  This "Personal Finances" program is relatively user-friendly... and a free version is available.  (scroll to bottom of the page to see "free limited version")

2. this program replaces expired versions of Microsoft Money Plus

3. You can (somewhat easily) create your own spreadsheet if you know how to use Excel, or any other similar spreadsheet software that utilizes formulas. EXAMPLE: Add up income using the formula "= SUM(B2:B4)" with the sum highlighted in yellow in cell B5. Add up expenses using formula "=SUM(B8:B13)" highlighted in yellow in cell B14, and finally calculate the net earnings for the month using the formula "=(B5-B14)" shown in cell B16. This hypothetical budget is just for demonstrative purposes and of course would need to be altered to fit your own household income and expenses. I like to also make smaller "worksheets" using cells off to the side to calculate each expense category in an itemized list (see list for travel).

sample budgets made by me using Excel from Microsoft Office 2007

Friday, June 24, 2011

Yummy Snack Recipe: Fresh Berries, Bananas, Sliced Almonds, Whipped Cream, Waffles...

I thought I'd share my idea for a quick, easy, and inexpensive snack.

I just finished eating this------->

To prepare this snack:
1. cut up some strawberries, and a banana.
2. top with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
3. sprinkle on some sliced almonds.
4. take a photo of it to show people, and post online.
5. eat.

Alternative Recipe, I made on Memorial Day (note the patriotic colors...)
1. Toast some whole grain waffles (I used the ones from Trader Joes).
2. top with sliced banana and some strawberries.
3. top with whipped cream, sliced almonds, and blueberries.

I think this one is prettier than the first one, (if food can be considered pretty) and it is also more substantial because of the waffles. This also makes a yummy breakfast.

Inexpensive household cleaner: "Bar Keepers Friend"

Have you ever used Bar Keepers Friend

It is an inexpensive household cleaner that contains the active ingredient oxalic acid, which works on soap scum, rust, and other stains around the home. There is NO chlorine bleach in this product which is great because I don't like my home to smell like a swimming pool...

I first heard about this product on TV when Martha Stewart was talking about how to keep your pots and pans shiny. (I haven't found any coupons for this product but you can purchase it at Bed Bath & Beyond and use the 20% off  BB&B coupon)

This may sound like an advertisement, or sponsored post, but it actually is not. This product has been recommended by (click to see list)  many companies.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Printable Clean & Clear coupons

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CLICK HERE----> to get Clean & Clear coupons

I just printed one that says $2 off any Clean & Clear product, expires July 23, 2011. I'll probably get the orange-colored morning burst scrub.

$1 off any B2P Pilot Pen pack

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How to get the $1 off coupon from Pilot Pens

1. Click the following link-----> Print Free Coupons
2. search for "office supplies" on the coupon category list on the left of the webpage
3. search for and click on the coupon link that looks like this:

4. you will be directed to a sign-up page to request the coupon
link by CJ