Want to help save the Rhinos? Now you can, by attending the Bronx Zoo's local chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers' 1st annual Bowling for Rhinos Fundraiser on Monday Oct. 3rd in NYC
The event will be held at “300 New York” Chelsea Piers on Monday, October 3, 2011- 6-10pm
Between Piers 59 & 60
23rd St. & the Hudson River
New York, NY 10011
Your ticket will include: Bowling from 7-9:30pm, shoes, pizza, 2 draft beer or soda tickets, and an arcade game card worth $5. You can buy your tickets online at www.bronxzooaazk.blogspot.com Tickets are: $30 in advance,$35 at the door. (see site for details re: Paypal)
Proceeds will benefit The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, The International Rhino Foundation and Action for Cheetahs in Kenya.
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